Replica and Retro

As well as the widest range of reclaimed building materials in Wales, we stock an extensive catalogue of reproduction products here at Gallops Architectural; enough to finish any renovation project or give a retro look to any home.

If you want original, we will do our utmost to find matching doorknobs, hinges, tiles, slates, doors or fireplaces among the thousands of salvaged products on our one-acre site. If we can't, or you want to save time on your home improvement project we will offer you alternatives from our range of top-quality reproduction products. They are hand-picked by us to match the period style and elegance of the originals.

Please browse our online showroom containing forged iron latches, hinges, doorknobs, bolts, brackets hooks and hangers. We have internal and external lighting, retro-looking plumbing products, new slate, tile and wooden flooring, wood and stone floor finishes and decorative ironwork for your garden.

If you can’t find what you want, do give us a call; we would be happy to order products for you.

Gallops Architectural: Bringing history to home improvements.

Specialist dealers in architectural salvage and antiques, Gallops Architectural has over 30 years of experience in sourcing and supplying quality traditional building materials to customers both in the UK and internationally.
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